Why blog with GadgetSpeak?

So you have something to say? The beauty of a blog is the ease with which it gives space for the creative you to flourish. Admit it - there's a budding author inside all of us, yes, including you!

How do you start to blog? Having decided you're going to 'take the plunge', why choose GadgetSpeak? Well a few reasons that we can think of:

You have an interest in gadgets

What better place for a gadget blogger to lay out their words of wisdom than a community that has a constant stream of people interested in the things you want to write about?

GadgetSpeak is a hit with search engines

Our site has been around for a good while now - and has a lot of relevant quality articles that search engines just love. Well over 500 reviews at the last count. In the search engine arena - content is king. Unlike starting your blog from scratch, with GadgetSpeak you'll benefit from the stream of people visiting the site.

GadgetSpeak Community Blog

Although you have your personal blog space within GadgetSpeak, your entries are aggregated into the site 'community blog'. What this means is that even if you don't get to write very often, there will always be interesting articles to attract visitors to the site - so when you do get your creative cap on, people will be there to read your pearls of wisdon.

It's free

So why not give it a try :-) ?

Supports some 'cool' blogging technology

Those of you that don't want to know the details, just know that this is a good thing and skip to the next section! The rest of you read on.

Give it a try

The 'blog' feature at GadgetSpeak is new and supplements the formal articles and the discussion forums we already had. Because it's new, we'd really like to get your feedback, especially if you've used other blogging environments before.

If you find something you don't like then please let us know!