Filofax Pennybridge iPad Case 

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Any device with an unprotected screen – whatever it is made of – needs covering or it will at the very least get scratched or worse it will get damaged beyond repair even if kept in a bag, other items rubbing against it like keys can damage it.

Filofax Pennybridge Case for iPad Mini
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The model I had was designed for the iPad Mini 3 and came in at the same time as the iPad, review very soon.

Initially I was not that keen as I was still getting used to the iPad and trying to use it as a small mobile device that most would slip in a pocket or side of a bag and even though the screen is less than 8 inches when you have this zip up case and bits around it the overall size is 23x17.5x3cm and its weight with iPad and paper pad is 690grams.

It can be used OTG but you need thought and two hands one to support the case the other to unzip it and then to use the iPad.

Using it when you are seated say on a bus or train is easy standing is OK provided you are not squashed up like on a tube in the rush hour. My thoughts on people using phones while walking are not printable so this would also apply to thinggs like this.

On a recent visit to a part of London I do not know that well I used the iPad in the case to check I was walking the right way to my event. I stopped and moved away from the pedestrian flow and soon found the result on the map tool and was able to zip up the case and walk on without problem.

The case itself is padded and zipped round three sides and it opens like a book. Inserted in the left side is an A5 pad of paper and there is also an elasticated loop for a pen to be inserted. The right side has a clip in fitment for the iPad that allows it to swivel through 360 degrees while still remaining in the case.

To be honest it was several days before I trusted this but it does hold the iPad securely.

The only time when it was less than perfect was with a pair of corded earbuds that have a straight out connector the ‘L’ shaped 3.5mm ones are fine, but as the lead emerges from near the end of the zip the case is only slightly open even when you have type of lead.

Of course to use the iPad with the rear facing camera will require you to remove it from the case but Selfie takers can be accommodated with the unit in situ quite easily.

This certainly does the job of protecting the iPad and providing you can get used to needing both hands free to use it when out and about its fine.

The Filofax iPad 3 mini case is available from the link below for £28.20 with free delivery.

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Ease of use10
OverallFilofax Pennybridge iPad Mini Case rated 76 out of 100

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